This is a top-secret tool that many people don’t know about.

I’m holding it in my hand right here.

Many, many wealthy men and women throughout history have used this top-secret tool.

When I tell you what it is, you’re going to be floored. You’re going to think, so this is the tool that Chad Kimball uses to build his business? What could it be?

It is a LEGAL PAD.

But this top-secret tool of a legal pad is a tool that a lot of people have forgotten about or maybe they’ve never used. And I have made more money with this thing I’m holding in my hand than any computer software, any kind of Google loophole, anything like that.

I can attribute more money that I’ve made through this thing that I’m holding than anything else, and I want to encourage you folks, go out there and get yourself one of these suckers, okay?

It’s called a pad of paper. If you guys have seen these before. It’s got paper, and like if you look at it, you can flip it, and it actually, there’s more pages.

The nice thing about this is, it’s very linear. It’s not connected to the internet. You can’t click on it and go anywhere else. I mean, I can’t click and read like a Wikipedia article about any word on this page. You know, I can’t go research like, “Oh, I wonder what, you know “Fox News” has to say? I wonder what “CNN” has to say about this thing that I wrote?” Or, oh, all of a sudden you don’t get any kind of a little square that pops up here that tells you to check something or to watch a video or anything like that. There’s no scrolling list on the side of related items to click on and be distracted with. It’s very linear. And that really helps a lot with your mind being able to focus on the things that you need to be doing to move forward in your own goals..

And how do I use this? How do I use this to make money? Okay, I’m going to show you.

So, there’s this thing here is another thing you might not have seen before.

It is a pen, and it’s made by a company called BIC, but you don’t have to use BIC.

It’s crazy how they’ve developed this.

When you take this point and you push it on here and then you go across, it makes a line across the paper like that. And you can actually write with letters, like spell out words and put them on here. That’s how you make money with paper.

No, but seriously. For the first couple of weeks after you read this I want you to try something.

Before you do anything else in your workday, I want you to sit down with paper and a pen, okay? And that means, before you turn on any phone or any tablet, before you turn on your laptop, before you plug in to any digital thing, okay?

Some of you guys sleep with your phones under your pillow, bad habit. Don’t do that. Get that thing out of your bedroom, get it out of your office or your workspace. And start your day, before you do anything else with this thing, it’s called a pen, and this is paper, okay?

Now, you’re going to be amazed. So, here’s what I do. I’m not always successful at this, but I’ve made more money when I do this. Before I crack open a laptop or turn on any kind of device, a phone, tablet, anything, my goal is to sit down with this.

What I go through here is my goals for the day. I write down all the stuff that I need to do that day, but it’s set in terms of the goals for the day. So, my goals aren’t necessarily a to-do list, but it’s more a goal list of what I want to accomplish that day. And then I go back through the list and I see which things on this list could actually someone else do other than me and which things could only I do.

Enter a time for each item. How long would it take to accomplish these things? So, I try to get up right away, then I try to knock off all the five-minute things like right away and get them off my plate.

Then I have this little area of the page says, “If I could solve one problem today, what would that be?” And today I have my main thing that I really want to accomplish above all else. This is the main thing that I want to accomplish this day.

I try to get this all laid out before I do anything else, before I get onto any kind of digital device, before I get any email or any texts coming in, or anything that’s demanding my attention. I want to make sure I have my list straight of what I’m going to be working on that day.

And it’s really important that you do it before you get input. Because if you start off your day with a digital device, staring into it, whether it’s a tablet, or a phone, or whatever it is, you’re in a reactive mode from the very beginning of your day. If I start in reactive mode, I’m not thinking through what I need to do to move my life and my business forward in the direction that I want it to go. And if you start off in a reactive mode, by the end of the day, you don’t even know where the day went because the whole day was spent reacting to other people and doing things that other people are asking of you instead of starting off with, “what do I need to accomplish today to meet my goals?”

It helps when you have a morning that does not go how you planned.

For example, yesterday, I got really distracted. And so, in the morning I had my goals for the day, but then by noon I was completely lost. I was off my list completely, and I was just reacting. I had emails going. I had chats popping. I had all kinds of stuff and I was completely lost, all right? But the nice thing is, since I wrote it down with this pen and paper, I can always just go back to this to get myself back on track and shut off the email, shut off the phone, shut off the texts, and get back to just exactly what I decided I needed to do that day before anyone else told me what their priorities were for my life.

And if you do that, this is going to help you to constantly get back to where you need to be to make sure you’re moving forward on your own goals, instead of just being in reactive mode.

The worst thing you can do is start your day with one of these suckers ringing you and dinging you and notifying you and telling you what you need to do, telling you what needs to be answered, or what’s urgent, and all of these things.

So, you might even have a job where part of your job is to react, which is fine. That just means you need to do this before you start that job. To make sure that the goals that you have for your own business get done as well.

Even if you have a day job, you can constantly get back to this list, squeeze it in between the other things that you’re maybe having to do that other people are asking you to do. But you know, “I’m working down this list that I made when I was in my right mind, when it was all quiet, and I didn’t have any screens talking to me or telling me what to do, this was what I wrote down.” And then you can constantly get back to that and squeeze it in to the rest of your day. But starting the day off with this is crucial.

So, before anything digital, I want you guys to try this, and it’s amazing, paper.